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f9006 - Variable in class FLOTF.Autofiller
The F9006 pdf document as a PDDocument
f9006path - Static variable in class FLOTF.Autofiller
The F9006 pdf document file path
figure - Variable in class FLOTF.MainController
fx id of Text displaying the parts' corresponding figure number
figureDescription - Variable in class FLOTF.MainController
fx id of Text displaying the parts' corresponding figure description
figureDescription - Static variable in class FLOTF.TOParser
Stores parsed figure description
figureNumber - Static variable in class FLOTF.TOParser
Stores parsed figure number
fill9006() - Method in class FLOTF.Autofiller
Fills out the F9006 form
findLean() - Method in class FLOTF.TOParser
Creates a PDFDimensionFinder object that finds page offset and row Y-coordinates
findOffset(TextPosition) - Method in class FLOTF.PDFDimensionFinder
Looks at a specific TextPosition character and determines the pageOffset based on the position of the character
findRowYCoordinates(TextPosition) - Method in class FLOTF.PDFDimensionFinder
Determines the rowYCoordinates based on the Y-Coordinate positions of the first column of entries
findTOHeader(PDPage, PDFTextStripperByArea) - Method in class FLOTF.TOParser
Finds technical order number and volume by creating a header rectangle that only reads above the table
firstChar - Variable in class FLOTF.PDFDimensionFinder
Determines if processTextPosition is on the first character
firstLeft - Static variable in class FLOTF.Utils
Pre-measured X-Coordinate of first character for left-leaning pages
firstRight - Static variable in class FLOTF.Utils
Pre-measured X-Coordinate of first character for right-leaning pages
FLOTF - package FLOTF
This project, by NSIN X-Force interns Bernard Chan and Sonali Loomba, is centered around streamlining aircraft maintenance for Travis Air Force Base.
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