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page - Variable in class FLOTF.TOParser
Stores page number entered by program arguments
pageOffset - Variable in class FLOTF.PDFDimensionFinder
Number of pixels that the page is offset to the right from a left-leaning page
pageWidth - Static variable in class FLOTF.Utils
Pre-measured width of the entire page
parse() - Method in class FLOTF.TOParser
Reads technical order table Method: Calculate rectangle dimensions based on X coordinates from columnWidths() and Y coordinates from PDFDimensionFinder.rowYCoordinates For every rectangle put the text information into parts ArrayList as a String[]
Part - Class in FLOTF
This class creates an NSN object type that holds index, part number, cage number, description, units of assembly, usable on code, and SMR code
Part(String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class FLOTF.Part
Part constructor
partClicked(Part, ActionEvent) - Method in class FLOTF.MainController
Stores user's chosen part in PartInfo.currentPart Finds all possible matching NSNs for chosen part NSNScrape.webScrape() Opens NSNController.fxml or confirmation window depending on number of matching NSNs
partDescription - Variable in class FLOTF.NSNController
fx id of Text displaying chosen part's description
PartInfo - Class in FLOTF
This class stores the user-entered and parsed/scraped information about the part
PartInfo() - Constructor for class FLOTF.PartInfo
partNum - Variable in class FLOTF.Part
Stores part number of particular part
partNumber - Variable in class FLOTF.NSNController
fx id of Text displaying chosen part number
partNumber - Variable in class FLOTF.UserEntryController
fx id of Text displaying chosen part's number
parts - Static variable in class FLOTF.TOParser
Stores all parsed parts from technical order table
partWidth - Static variable in class FLOTF.Utils
Pre-measured width of the part column of the table
PDFDimensionFinder - Class in FLOTF
This class extends PDFTextStripperByArea
PDFDimensionFinder() - Constructor for class FLOTF.PDFDimensionFinder
PDFDimensionFinder constructor
processParsedTO() - Method in class FLOTF.MainController
Removes empty rows from TOParser.parts Separates multiple part numbers matching a single index
processTextPosition(TextPosition) - Method in class FLOTF.PDFDimensionFinder
Processes all the characters in the PDF character by character, determining the page's lean based on the first character and also looking at all the characters to determine what Y-Coordinates to add to rowYCoordinates
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