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scrapedNSNs - Static variable in class FLOTF.NSNScrape
Stores the scraped National Stock Number information
setCage(String) - Method in class FLOTF.NSN
Sets the NSN cage(s)
setCage(String) - Method in class FLOTF.Part
Sets the cage number
setCurrentNSN(NSN) - Static method in class FLOTF.PartInfo
Sets the current NSN
setCurrentPart(Part) - Static method in class FLOTF.PartInfo
Sets the current part
setDescription(String) - Method in class FLOTF.NSN
Sets the NSN description
setDescription(String) - Method in class FLOTF.Part
Sets the description
setFigureDescription(String) - Static method in class FLOTF.TOParser
Sets the figure description
setFigureNumber(String) - Static method in class FLOTF.TOParser
Sets the figure number
setIndex(String) - Method in class FLOTF.Part
Sets the index
setJCN(String) - Static method in class FLOTF.PartInfo
Sets the current JCN
setNSN(String) - Method in class FLOTF.NSN
Sets the National Stock Number
setPartNum(String) - Method in class FLOTF.Part
Sets the part number
setQuantity(String) - Static method in class FLOTF.PartInfo
Sets the current quantity
setSmr(String) - Method in class FLOTF.Part
Sets the SMR code
setTechnicalOrderNum(String) - Static method in class FLOTF.TOParser
Sets the technical order number
setUnits(String) - Method in class FLOTF.Part
Sets the units of assembly
setUsable(String) - Method in class FLOTF.Part
Sets the usable on code
setVolume(String) - Static method in class FLOTF.TOParser
Sets the volume
smr - Variable in class FLOTF.Part
Stores SMR code of particular part
smrWidth - Static variable in class FLOTF.Utils
Pre-measured width of the SMR column of the table
start(Stage) - Method in class FLOTF.Main
startHeight - Static variable in class FLOTF.Utils
Pre-measured Y-Coordinate position of the top of the first row
stock - Variable in class FLOTF.UserEntryController
fx id of Text displaying chosen part's quantity currently in stock
stringLines(String) - Static method in class FLOTF.MainController
Splits text with multiple lines into separate Strings
Supply - Class in FLOTF
This class holds the logic of checking a part's inventory in the supply database
Supply() - Constructor for class FLOTF.Supply
supplyCSV - Static variable in class FLOTF.Utils
File path to Mock Supply Database CSV
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